Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I spoke to Michael (Dream Sequence) today, finally managed to catch up over coffee. He stated that the new music he is working on will be similar to the track 'Starion', he explained it to me this way....

"Every time i write a new track, i like to make a video or come up with a video idea but after a few weeks it gets 'Lost' in a sea of other artists music to forever float around youtube or soundcloud. The Dream Sequence track 'Starion' is about a car, The Mitsubishi Starion (also known as the Conquest), so the song is tied to a product so to speak... so whenever anyone has an interest in a Mitsubishi Starion (and who wouldn't?), my video is one of the videos that will keep coming up, and so, i have decided so that my music doesn't get lost, i will do a few track with certain product attached to it. The latest one is The Subaru Vortex (or XT), a classic 80s car, the next one hopefully will be for an AIWA Walkman. The videos will be about roughly 2 mins long but a longer 'Song' version will also be available.. Worth a shot :)
In the meantime, I have added a 'Shout me a Coffee Fund' banner to the page,. Its a fun way to support my music or just 'shout me a coffee' so i can keep coming up with new ideas and sounds so i don't sound like every other artist out there.
I really do appreciate it as well, Thanks for you patience and love.

Peace and Love... Michael xx"

Hugs Marty